No one else
reads the story
like you do.
The Recordable Book Buddy
Add a recording of your voice to any children’s book for a unique read-along experience.
Share story time, anytime.
Works with any children’s book
With 21 buttons and over 10 minutes of recording time, the Book Buddy works with almost any children's picture book. At 9 inches tall, it fits in most popular book sizes.
Easily record yourself
A quality microphone is built-in: no apps or equipment needed. Re-record as much as you need, until it's just right. Hidden recording function prevents accidental erasure.
Plays back page-by-page
Page stickers show which button to press, and when. You decide where to place them—by page or by spread. Easy to find, but won't detract from the book's artwork.
What does it do?
The Recordable Book Buddy lets you record yourself reading any book.
The child in your life can then hear you read to them by simply opening their book and pressing the buttons.
It's app-free, easy for adults to record, and easy for young children (even aspiring readers) to play back.
We had you in mind when we designed
Separated parents. Grandparents who can't visit as often as they'd like. Cool aunts and uncles. Deployed service members. Parents working swing shift. Older siblings away at college. Awesome family friends. Nannies, teachers, therapists, tutors, helpers, and anyone with a special child in their life.
The Recordable Book Buddy is available exclusively here
or at the following fantastic indie bookstores!
Press the arrow in the top right corner to zoom map to your location
United Kingdom
(Coming Soon!)
Don’t see your local bookshop listed?
Give us their name, and we will reach out!
Do you work for an independent bookstore?
Well, we have exciting news for you! The Recordable Book Buddy is now available wholesale to Indie Bookstores. Send us a message with the name of your bookstore, contact name, and email and we’ll send you our wholesale term sheet and all the information you need to discover why the Read To Me Recordable Book Buddy and Independent Bookstores are a perfect pairing.
No apps, no screens.
Kids spend so much time on screens nowadays, even when learning. Read to Me allows young readers (and soon-to-be readers) the benefit of an interactive story, without the distractibility and eyestrain of screen-based reading.

Your silly sound effects are what make this story their favorite.
Give them a serious case of the giggles any time they want.
Repetition is important
Studies show that repetitive reading to children under 5 increases their comprehension, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, attentiveness, and overall cognition. It also offers the comfort of a familiar routine, and is a great tool for bonding.
Read this in-depth report and study Repeated Book Reading and Preschoolers’ Early Literacy Development
“Over the 5 years before kindergarten entry, we estimate that children from literacy-rich homes hear a cumulative 1.4 million more words during storybook reading than children who are never read to.”
-2019 study in Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Logan, Jessica A. R. PhD*; Justice, Laura M. PhD*; Yumuş, Melike PhD†; Chaparro-Moreno, Leydi Johana* When Children Are Not Read to at Home: The Million Word Gap, Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: June 2019 - Volume 40 - Issue 5 - p 383-386
About the Creators
Arden Ariel
It's all about connection. Arden designed her first electronic device at four. When she pressed the red button to connect the circuit, its light bulb went on. It was a fitting allegory: connection creates light, life, and ideas.
As a busy consultant, student, and single mom, she treasures the time she can spend reading to her son. She co-designed Read to Me to keep that ritual when she can't be there. She hopes it will allow other children to feel connected with their loved ones through the delight of reading together- even when apart.
After age four, she went on to design circuits as an electronics engineer in the US Navy. She’s currently completing her degree at Harvard.
Zephyrus White
Zephyrus grew up in wide open prairies of Kansas surrounded by books. In the pre-internet world of his youth books were not only a source of knowledge and entertainment, but also a window into the greater world.
Books opened his eyes to a world of possibilities. Those possibilities led him to adventure; theatre, writing, traveling the world, Harvard Business School, performing with the Metropolitan Opera, managing a micro hotel in Vermont…
And here, creating Read To Me.
Zephyrus’ dream for Read to Me is that it will help open other children’s eyes to their own world of possibilities.